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Fraud Prevention:
Can you afford to fail?

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Learn. Prevent. Detect.

Organisations in the UK need to be alert to a new anti-fraud compliance regime. The Failure to Prevent Fraud legislation (FTPF), coming into effect on 1 September 2025, is the most extensive and rigorous anti-fraud legislation in the UK to date.


Responsibility now sits with the leadership and senior management of larger organisations to demonstrate commitment to preventing fraud. Under the new offence, the organisation may be liable if any associated person (employee, agent or subsidiary) commits fraud. Organisations may face serious penalties and even criminal convictions if it transpires that they have fallen short.


Compliance requires senior management to commit to a fraud prevention strategy and to support training and communication of that strategy throughout their organisation. Requirements go far beyond a box ticking exercise, to establishing a counter-fraud mindset and building a culture of compliance.


Fraud Sentinel has created an innovative training programme designed by leading regulatory and risk management experts and lawyers to meet these specific new requirements. Engaging training is tailored to account for organisation and sector specific risks and a tiered approach makes it suitable for all levels of seniority. Fraud Sentinel training is a vital step to demonstrating commitment to the prevention of fraud under the new legislation.

Download a free briefing note on the new Failure to Prevent Fraud offence

Contact us now to discuss robust compliance solutions 

Pitch Video

This video provides a brief introduction to the new "failure to prevent fraud" offence and how  Fraud Sentinel can help your organisation prevent fraud, detect fraud and comply with the new legislation.

Blurred Business People

Contact us for more information

Your organisation has an urgent need to comply with the new legislation. Fraud Sentinel can help. Contact us to discuss the most appropriate compliance training programme for your needs.

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